Sherrice Iverson: The Deadly Danger of Deprioritizing the Safety of Girls
On 5/28/23 I posted about one of the worst murder cases seen in Nevada casino history. The murder of little Sherrice Iverson.
"Do not make it easier for males to be in isolated spaces with helpless little girls & do God knows what to them.
Make every girl safer so she can grow up to be a healthy woman."
Like most people who continue to speak out in support of women and girls these days; nearly all of my accounts on social media are muted or suspended, but those who remain are supportive. We don't speak for "likes" "followers" etc.....
Our other endeavors in life have covered that. We're good. 💗
We speak for the hundreds of millions of women and girls who are silenced in one way or another daily.
So, I posted about beautiful little Sherrice, who can no longer speak. Reminding adults of our duty to protect the little ones among us.
As a dedicated & loyal protector of my peace, I don't usually pay these type of posts a moment's mind.
"Block and move T. Block and move."
But I wanted people who just don't seem to get how hate for women and girls works, to see something.
This sent this adult-centering response about a 7-year-old little girl raped and murdered in a restroom by one adult male as another adult male looked on. (That adult male onlooker was never charged.)
Prioritizing the most physically vulnerable-the children, the elderly, and those with physically limiting & mental disabilities- will never be allowed in a world that prioritizes "feelings".
Historically, whenever Black women have joined with other women to prioritize our own safety and advancement some form of the question of: "Who do YOU think you are has been posed to us?
"THEY"👻don't consider you a woman?"
"Why would you align with white women?"
But see, MY focus has not changed in nearly 30 years of working to advance and heal women and girls.
Me: Keep protecting #women & #girls.
The focus of sexism & misogyny has not changed either.
I must ask you this because there are a lot of us women who don't give a damn and refuse to ask permission so we wouldn't know......
So, when do they allow the rest of you to advocate on behalf of girls' safety?
Under what circumstances?
Coffee or Die Magazine | A Homicide Detective Details His Most Gruesome Case
Are You Sure That You Are Listening to Women and Girls? (audio & blog post) | WE Survive Abuse
Diluting the Boundaries of Women and Girls is Extremely Dangerous | WE Survive Abuse
19 Signs You May Not Be as Pro-Woman as You Believe You Are | WE Survive Abuse